The Via del Grande Fiume, the Via delle Corti Estensi, the Via del Delta

2635 km2 of food and wine, between art, culture and nature.

The Food and Wine Route of The province of Ferrara is an association that since 2001 has been involved in enhancing and promoting the beauty and variety of the province of Ferrara, a territory in the north-east of Emilia Romagna. The members of the "Strada" are producers of wine and local gastronomic excellence, restaurateurs, professionals in the hospitality sector, associations, institutions and municipalities active in the area. The commitment of the "Strada" is to spread knowledge of the food and wine, landscape, historical and artistic heritage of the province of Ferrara in the most authentic way through multiple activities.

The Route of Wines Flavour of Ferrara promotes the beauty and diversity of Ferrara Province with main activities: our members are wine producers and local gastronomic excellences makers, restaurateurs, hospitality specialists, associations, organizations and municipalities of Ferrara Province Area.

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