Ferrara Food Festival

Dal 31 Ottobre al 2 novembre 2025
What is the Ferrara Food Festival?
It’s the first appointment of national importance designed to celebrate the culinary traditions and typical products of the Ferrara area, with an overview also of the food and wine excellences from all Italian regions; around the commercial section, will be organized numerous musical and cultural events, shows, installations, show-cooking, award ceremonies, workshops and much more to satisfy the needs and desires of every type of public.
You may find the program and events https://www.ferrarafoodfestival.it/
For info on the event: info@stradaviniesaporiferrara.it
Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori della Provincia di Ferrara – Piazza Travaglio 20 – 44121 Ferrara
FB Page Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori della Provincia di Ferrara
Instagram @StradaViniSapori_Ferrara